Jumat, 24 September 2010

Warming up with a game of Carrot!

Good Morning/Afternoon Gang!

Saying “gang” reminds me of Scooby Doo, my son’s favorite show! I just have to begin by saying: TFIG! The weekend is so close I can taste it! :) And that means its all rainbows and sunshine over here!

But you’re not here for my random musings, so let’s get busy! Yesterday, shortly after posting, I did a boatload of school work! Yay, for productivity! Then, I was forced into going to the YMCA by my brother. The word forced may be a bit strong. But basically, I didn’t feel like going; he called me LAZY; and I said fine pick me up! I guess he knows how to push my buttons! ;) But, as the story usually goes, I was happy I went!

Game of CARROT (This is just like the shooting game PIG, but vegetarian-style! haha)
Sprints in the gym (killa!)
Benching (5 sets of 10 starting at 75lbs and ending with the bar 45lbs)
Tricep dips (assisted of course)
Shoulder presses (3 sets of 10 @ 15 lbs)
Rowing machine that targets Lats
Bicep curls (Cybex Machine)
Chest presses (Cybex machine--I feel like a man-beast while doing these! Lol)

I followed that up with a scoop of Vanizzle Protein Powda mixed with boring old water! It does the trick, for my muscles at least! ;)

We came home and then went on a 3 mile (hilly!) bike ride. It was the perfect weather!

Then I hopped in the showa, and took my son to his Foreign Language class! (Interesting fact: his father and his father’s family all speak another language fluently.) So of course, we/they want our son to learn as well! I hope to also learn someday when my brain isn’t overloaded with school! I think it will be very beneficial for him to be bilingual.

On the way there, I enjoyed this:

Infrequent consumption of chemical goodness can’t be that bad, right? Plus, my sister and I just started a contest last night: whomever can go the longest without drinking any pop at all wins! I will be the champion, for sure!

While my babe was working his brain, I was doing something much less brain-involved, but much more fun (IMO): shopping! My sister, niece, and I hit up the mall for some power shopping. I came out with a few outfits for my son (Abercrombie kids fall sale!) and a few shirts from Express for myself! They were shirts that I previously wanted and now they were on SALE! So glad I resisted when they were full price! :)

FINALLY, we were all starvingggg! So we met my parents for dinner at Uno’s Pizzeria. I have been there a few times before and surprisingly they have a lot of vegetarian options! Think veggie burger, veggie/feta wrap, veggie pizzas, salads with GOAT CHEESE, etc.

We ordered two appetizers: Avocado Spring Rolls and Mozzarella Sticks with Marinara. Of course, I had one of each!

I started out with a roasted pecan, spring mix, and goat cheese salad. Oh my yum is this delish! Seriously, tops my list for one of the best salads EVER!

And finally my entrée: personal veggie pizza on five grain crust. First thoughts: This is a personal pizza?! This pizza could feed three people!!!! Oh America, we must get these portion sizes under control! I had 2 pieces of this and there were 5 pieces left!

When I got home, I did something that rarely happens! I worked out AGAIN. It was an easy breezy 1.5 mile run with my brother and sister. It’s so nice living so close to my family! We live in the same subdivision, exactly one mile from each other! :) Even better is having family members who also care about their health and exercising; they are built in work-out buddies from birth!

Well I’m off to get some work done! 

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!

<3 Stefanie

Question: Do you ever split up your workout or work out twice in one day? I usually never do this. Mostly because I don't like getting all schweaty after I'm already showered. But to be honest, I kind of liked getting that flow of endorphins more than once! ;)

