Senin, 26 Desember 2011

The No-Rules Holiday Plan


After happily spending the last few days eating my weight in cookies and jalapeno popper dip (sinfully delicious), it’s time to get some greens back into my diet.

My holiday eating rule is that there really are no rules. I simply enjoy everything and then get back on track once it’s over. Basically, I adopt the see food diet – I see food, I eat it. Winking smile

In the past, I’ve found that when I try to put restrictions on myself during the holidays, I just end up wanting everything that much more. It just doesn’t work for me. I’m all about everything in moderation and if I eat without abandon a few times a year (e.g., the holidays) than I’m good with that.

I think this works for me because I no longer have that “well, I ate so much this weekend what’s the point of eating healthy today” mentality. Instead, I just get right back to eating healthfully and forget about it.

This year, I went all out with the desserts. My best friend invited me over for a Christmas eve morning cookie extravaganza and it ended up being very successful (and delicious). In fact, we’re going to make it a yearly thing. There’s nothing like creating new traditions!

We made shortbread cookies,


copycat thin mints (only better) and peanut butter Ritz dipped in chocolate,


peanut butter cookie dough balls,


pumpkin white chocolate chip cookies,




and Oreo truffles dipped in white chocolate (regular and mint).


Yeah, it’s safe to say that I put my family (and myself) into a two-day cookie coma.

But, the holidays weren’t all about the cookies. In fact, it was mostly about spending quality time with my family (while eating cookies).



Adam loves Doctor Who and my brother found him the perfect shirt! How will he ever top that next year?


Oh you know, just modeling a pan of fruit pizza. Everyone does this, right?


Sibling love (minus our oldest sister).


Clearly, Adam is holding the brunt of my weight here.



Ah, I’m definitely sad to see the weekend go. But at least we still have New Years to look forward to!

So now that I’ve come out of my cookie coma, it’s time to get back on track. I started with a green smoothie.


[frozen banana, frozen strawberries, frozen spinach, Vega vanilla protein, almond milk]

Topped with Love Grown Granola.


I feel more like myself already!

Okay, so getting back on the healthy eating train is a piece of cake for me (no pun intended). But like I said last week, finding exercise motivation isn’t coming quite as easily.

Luckily, I got a fun new present that’s going to help with this.


I’ve been wanting a set like this forever! Thanks Mom and Dad!

All right, time to utilize my new weight set and get my strength on with Jamie Eason’s 12-week LiveFit Trainer, phase 1, day 1.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a weights workout, so maybe I’ll just start with the 3 pounders. Winking smile

I hope you all have a wonderful fun-filled weekend!

<3 Stefanie

