So, I’ve been planning to blog since the day I stopped blogging. But then the day goes by and my laptop stays closed.
You see, there’s been a few little problems in my way. I’ve taken very few pictures and created zero new recipes over the past couple of months. Only the problem is that that really hasn’t been a problem at all. In fact, it’s been quite freeing.
Let’s be frank – an undocumented life is much easier than a documented one. It’s been nice to pick up a fork and enjoy a meal without worrying about snapping a picture beforehand. And you know what’s embarrassing? I kind of, sort of don’t even know where my camera is. Oops, I should probably figure that one out.
Despite the freeing feeling, I’ve really missed sharing my life with you guys!
I’ve especially missed being inspired by YOUR meals, YOUR workouts, and YOUR wonderful posts. So here I am, thinking about making a comeback. I can’t say that I’ll be an everyday blogger – but I’d certainly like to rejoin this wonderful world.
So over the past few months, I’ve eaten several delicious blog-worthy meals, trucked through a bunch of blog-worthy workouts, and gone on a few blog-worthy trips to the city (that’s Chicago for me).
As lovely as those memories are, how about we just start from scratch? I’ll give you a broad update in terms of life, and we’ll start from there.
When we last spoke, my family was going through some medical issues with one of my closest friends (who just happens to my brother). After several surgeries, three doctors, tons of University of Chicago trips, and quite a few tears – he got a diagnosis and that diagnosis involved the word “benign.” Although we were (and still are) extremely happy to hear the news, he still has a long-road to recovery. The important thing is that his feet are now planted on that road.
I also told you guys that I was staying with my parents for a while. Well that lasted for about two months, but now I’m back at home. As some of you know, I’ve been in a relationship for 10 years (since I was in high school)! And let me tell you, it has been tough trying to keep our relationship strong and healthy.
We essentially grew up together and in growing up, we also grew apart in some ways. It’s inevitable, but also preventable. And we’re working on it – in fact, we always will be. Neither of us will ever stop changing and growing, so we just have to continue learning how to change and grow together. Sometimes it just takes a break to be able to put things into perspective and realize what’s truly important.
Putting things into perspective included realizing that there is no such as a ‘perfect relationship.’ Rationally, I have always known that. Yet, I still hoped for that picture-perfect straight-outta-the-movies relationship. Who doesn’t?
It comes down to this – do the positives outweigh the negatives? Looking back, do I remember more good times than bad? I realized that if I can answer yes to those questions, then it’s worth the work. If not, then it just might be time to move on. Simple. I’m a bit too rational at times, eh?
Aside from all of these life lessons I’ve been learning (ha), I’ve also been busy finishing my last semester of undergrad, doing research, applying for several Graduate programs (personal statements are no joke), settling into my new job, and most importantly, being a mother to my handsome boy.
Adam is obsessed with MAD and Alfred E. Neuman. He’s also a quick change artist – can you tell?
So how about that new job, eh?
I recently accepted a position as a program assistant at an afterschool program taught with a focus on fitness. It delivers a curriculum that provides elementary children with the skills to cope with peer pressure and negative situations.
The curriculum is taught in a way that incorporates fitness and healthy eating. For example, we start the day with fitness drills and then teach the kids how to make healthy snacks to refuel. Basically, it’s right up my alley – so I simply couldn’t resist accepting.
We also adopted a new kitten! His name is Brodie and he and Georgie are already little buddies. Well, besides for the fact that Georgie likes to show him who’s boss by biting his neck and then licking him. It must be a cat thing.
Have I mentioned that I plan to be a cat lady for the rest of my life? Because I do. Luckily, both Sam and Adam are equally obsessed with our little fur balls.
Things have been pretty boring on the fitness front. That’s actually one of the things I really miss about blogging. I’ve still been a frequent flyer on the treadmill, but I’ve been really slacking in the weights department. And let me tell you – I can feel it. The scale hasn’t really moved but I just feel more cushiony – know what I mean? Hello, holidays.
Anyway, the whole point of this post was to talk about easing back into blogging. So I may be back tomorrow or I may be back next week. At this point, indecisive is my middle name.
In the meantime, catch me up. How’s life?
I truly hope you are all wonderful!
<3 Stefanie