Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Just another survey [20 questions]


1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?

That’s an easy one – sleep in, relax in my pajamas while drinking coffee, have a leisurely breakfast with the family, get a work out in (hiking if the weather permits), maybe do some shopping, and then have a relaxing night. Yep, most of my ideal Saturday would involve relaxing.

2) List your top three favorite TV shows.

  • Dexter
  • Shameless
  • Biggest Loser

3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them?

I’d definitely rather be in them! Especially when it comes to my family – if you get roped in to being the picture taker than you’re in for a whole lot of “retake that one, wait do it from this angle, ugh delete it….”

4) Why do you blog?

I started blogging as way a way to share my story, as well as to inspire others. I quickly realized that along with blogging comes an amazing community and wonderful people. So it’s the desire to share and the amazing community that keep me going.

5) Share five websites that you visit regularly…

  • Gmail (for both my personal and my blog account)
  • Google Reader (is that a site?) + a bunch of blogs
  • Amazon
  • Bodyrock.tv
  • Pinterest

6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be?

  • Jillian Michael’s. I love her.

7) List a few of your favorite snacks.

8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind?

Yes, I have two cats that are my babies.

Baby #1: Georgie

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Baby #2: Brodie

photo (5)

9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without?

Unfortunately, I am pretty addicted to technology. I would struggle to live without:

  • my iPhone
  • my laptop
  • my car <—my city is not conducive to getting around any other way.

10) What’s your favorite drink?

  • coffee, water, tea, and the occasional diet dr. pepper. I always have a drink in my hand.

photo (3)

Side note: I haven’t had a sip of soda since New Years. My sister and I have a little bet going on and whomever drinks pop first, loses. I will not lose. And neither will she. So I may never have pop again. Yep, we all have the stubborn gene.

11) Do you enjoy cooking?

  • Time permitting, yes! When I’m busy – no. Such is life.

12) Do you have children?

Yes! I have one son, Adam. He’s my pride and joy.

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Um, let’s just ignore my reflection in the mirror. Looking like a fool.

13) What are your favorite hobbies?

Well, blogging of course. Other than that – reading, working out, playing games, shopping, etc.. I’m a simple girl.

14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing?

Definitely outgoing. As in, I probably talk too much.

15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?

Well, I’m always looking for ways to improve myself. And I always will be. But if I could change something, I would be less of a perfectionist. I’m working on it – slowly, but surely.

16) Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Eh, I don’t really care. I love movies, but I don’t pay that much attention to the actors/actresses.

17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week?

Programming my research experiment. It has been a long and tedious process, but being able to finally do a little run through of the entire experiment is so rewarding. 2 versions down, 2 to go.

I can’t wait to start running subjects and get some results. Hopefully the results are significant, because I’m presenting my findings at the Midwestern Psychological Association’s conference in May!

18) Do you live near your family or far from them?

Very near. As in, the same neighborhood. Right down the street. I love it.

19) List three of your talents.

  • tuning people/the environment out <—I am probably too good at this. There have been many times where someone is trying to get my attention (Stefanie, Stefanie, STEFANIE) and I just don’t hear it.
  • organizing <—just ask my Mom. She fears my purging and organizing skills.
  • multitasking. always.

20) What is your greatest attribute?

Between this and the previous question, I feel like I’m tooting my own horn. I honestly don’t have one attribute that I could point out as the single greatest. But I’m a go-getter. And in my opinion, that’s a pretty good attribute to have.

Ah, that was fun.

Now tell me, what is one of your talents?

<3 Stefanie
