I got this interesting survey from Aubrey at I talk to food. Normally, when I fill out surveys, they’re about food or random facts. However, this survey goes a little deeper and delves into your personality. Plus, you guys already know what I like to eat, right?
As Aubrey said, it can be hard to really figure out what someone is like in real life from a blog alone. I think that VLOGS can certainly give a better look into the bloggers personality, but even then you’re putting your best face forward.
So let’s take a peak into my personality.
1. When a cashier in the checkout line at the grocery store is being a grump for no reason, how do you typically react?
Four words: kill them with kindness. I fully believe in the golden rule that says that you should treat others as you want to be treated. If someone is being unnecessarily rude or mean, then I choose to show them my best side. I’m sorry if you’re having a bad day, but I won’t let it affect my mood nor will I stoop to your level and give you a reaction.
2. Are you the type that likes going out with your girlfriends or staying in?
I like a healthy mix of both. I’m definitely a homebody in the sense that I love to just hang out with my family, watch movies, and have game nights. But I also love having girls nights with my friends. We try to go out at least once a month and with our busy schedules, that’s all we can do.
3. Do you sob and get emotional watching romance movies?
Nope. I never have. Wait, I take that back. When I was pregnant, I vividly remember watching the movie October Sky and balling my eyes out. So I guess that I get a bit emotional when I’m hormonal. But on a normal day, I don’t.
Now if an animal or child is injured or hurt in a movie, then you can expect the tears to start rolling. Yes, I know it’s fake. But that’s what tugs my heart strings.
4. What stresses you out the most?
You may hate me for saying this – but I don’t get stressed out easily at all. I’m one of those “it is what is is” people who just roll with the punches. Even when my plate is overflowing (which is pretty much always), I am pretty skilled at keeping the stress at bay. I just buckle down and get things done. We’ll see if this changes when I start grad school, but I hope that it doesn’t.
5. What do you think people think of you?
Hmm, great question. Since our own perception of ourselves in due, in part, to what we believe others think of us – this question is something I often think of. Also, this is very situational. Based on what most have explicitly told me, they see me as put-together, organized, and probably a bit of an overachiever.
However, sometimes I think that others see me as overly confident in my abilities. This is actually what someone told me during a group project and now I’m more conscious of it than ever before. My mentality is that if you want something done right, do it yourself – and I guess that may come off as overly confident in group situations. The thing is – once we’ve built a positive, trusting relationship, then I let go and I am more than willing to divide up the work among the team. However, if I don’t know you very well in the beginning then I prefer to be involved in most, if not all, of the work we do. This is something I’ve certainly worked on in the past and will to continue to work on in the future.
Okay, did I even answer that question? ha!
6. When you overindulge do you hit the gym to burn it all off, or just accept the indulgence and follow your same routine?
These days I accept the indulgence and move on. But to be honest, it took me a long time to get here.
Three years ago, an indulgence would be followed with more indulging, and more indulging, and more…you get the picture. But that pattern of thought brought me to my highest weight ever.
Throughout my weight loss journey, I learned to enjoy everything I love in moderation. I once thought moderation was a joke – how could it be possible to eat one cookie or two pieces of pizza?
Now I know that moderation is completely possible and you know what? Having a treat, enjoying it, and moving on is extremely satisfying.
Over Easter weekend, I had my fair share of starburst jelly beans (fave reds!), Cadbury eggs, cheesy baked ziti, and buttered garlic bread. It was all delicious and I enjoyed every bite. Come Monday, I simply jumped right back on the healthy train and kept on living my life. It seems simple now, but it certainly wasn’t always that way.
7. Are you easily annoyed?
Not really. I am very laid back and it takes a lot for my feathers to be ruffled (this goes along with not being easily stressed I suppose.) BUT, there is usually one or two days each month on which every little thing annoys me for absolutely no reason.
I think it’s a woman thing. Correct me if I’m wrong ladies.
8. What do you think is your biggest personality flaw?
I am a perfectionist. That is simultaneously good and bad. It’s good because it means that I give 100% in everything that I do. And it’s bad because it means that I give 100% in everything that I do. It’s simply not possible to give your all to everything, so I consciously have to prioritize the important things. Family is always at the top of the list and it changes from there.
9. What is one thing you don't think people see enough of when it comes to your personality?
I don’t think people realize how empathetic I am. It’s not that others don’t realize it per say, but it’s more that I keep it inside. Sometimes it is overwhelming to think of how many people are suffering and living without when I am so very fortunate to live the life I do.
A mother at my son’s school was killed in a car accident just last week and I cannot even begin to express how sad the whole situation is. I have never met anyone in the family but I can’t get the situation out of my head. I think about her daughters, her husband, her parents, her family…and it brings tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine what her daughters must be going through and what they’ll go through for the rest of their lives without their Mom. It’s just terrible.
I don’t often share these thoughts with others, but they’re often on my mind.
10. Can you feel relaxed in a busy crowd or messy room?
In a crowd, it depends. If the crowd is laid back, then yes. Rowdy? Definitely not. Get me out. ASAP.
As for messy rooms, I just can’t do it. I’m a perfectionist, remember? Even if it’s midnight and I’m exhausted, I’ll still do the dishes or vacuum. <—my family loves me for that second one. But this only applies to my own space. Somehow, I never notice if someone else's home is messy.
I’ve really been working on this lately by forcing myself to leave things the way they are and just sit down. And guess what? Life goes on even when the house is a mess. Who knew?
Interestingly though, I never make my bed. That’s one thing that never caught on.
Tell me – can you feel relaxed in a busy crowd or a messy room?
<3 Stefanie