Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Energizing Kale, Pineapple, and Maca Smoothie


Despite the fact that the temperature is still in the mid-30’s, I have started pretending like it’s spring.

I have been favoring ballet flats over boots, light layers over heavy jackets, and refreshing smoothies over heavy breakfasts.

In fact, I have had the same smoothie every morning for the past 5 days. Paired with a banana or an apple, it is the perfect way to start the day – energized and refreshed.

Go Green – Energizing Smoothie

  • 6 frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup frozen kale
  • 1-2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 tsp. Organic Maca Root
  • 1/2-1 C. cold water
  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • optional: plant-based protein powder (if you’re looking for something with more substance)

For the frozen kale, I use this huge bag from Costco.


This was quite possibly the best Costco find ever! 4lbs for 3.99. It’s perfect for smoothies and stir fries. I also toss some in soups and pasta for extra greens because I’m on a constant quest to sneak extra veggies into pretty much everything.

I use a  jumbo-sized bag of golden sweet pineapple also from…you guessed it, Costco!

frozen pineapple

Isn’t “golden sweet” such an amazing description? Yum! The pineapple chunks are key to this smoothie because they add a light sweetness without being overpowering.

And finally, I use this Maca Powder which I ordered from amazon.

Maca Power

So what is Maca?

It is a Peruvian herb known for it’s ability to boost energy, increase mental clarity, balance hormone levels, and ahem enhance libido.

My goal in adding this to my smoothies is to increase my energy levels as well as to enhance mental clarity. As for the other purported benefits, we’ll just call those potential positive side effects.

Have I noticed a difference?

I’m not sure. Because this smoothie also contains a load of phytonutrients (hello, leafy greens!) and vitamin C (among other things), I cannot really tease out the benefits from one ingredient alone. However, this smoothie always leaves me feeling energized and awake – so I’ll take it!

energizing green smoothie

For some reason, drinking smoothies from a mason jar is just so much more fun. Yes, my level of fun is determined by my glassware.

Have you ever tried Maca?

