I have this ever-present goal of finding ways to make healthy living easier. It is less about looking for short-cuts (because sometimes you just need to put in the hard work) and more about looking for ways to maximize time.
With this goal in mind, I recently partnered up with Verizon for their Health and Fitness Voices. The program’s premise is that technology can (and should) be used as a tool in setting and reaching health and fitness goals. Not only do I love this idea, but I was also extremely honored to be invited to join. So of course I jumped on board!
And now here I am, representing Verizon as a Health and Fitness Voice. Sure, I have not been blogging frequently (if at all lately). But being part of this program has motivated me to really reevaluate my health and fitness goals. Further, it has given me a much-needed kick-the-butt in the way of working out.
Unfortunately, grad school has (not surprisingly) proved to be a bit of an impediment in terms of finding the time to work out. Eating healthfully has proven less difficult because I have that pretty down pat (see below for the not-so-down-pat part).
However, my struggles lie in finding the time to get my booty to the gym or even to pop in a DVD. It’s disappointing. It’s frustrating. And finally, it has become motivating!
As a health and fitness voices blogger, I was given two new devices to use throughout the program.
Each device was provided to help me reach my health and fitness goals through the use of technology. I have to admit that my current phone is lacking in new apps. Seriously lacking, to be honest.
It’s probably been over 6 months since I have downloaded a new app related to health and fitness. Again, this program and of course, these devices, are proving to be amazing motivational tools!
In the coming months, I will share this motivation with all of you! Specifically, my plan is to share (at least) 2 new apps/tools that I have discovered each month.
You know what that means? I actually have to put in some effort and find/try those apps – which, you have probably guessed, means even more MOTIVATION. I’m sensing a theme here – are you?
So, don’t worry. I am not going to fill your news stream with plugs for Verizon (although, as a 6+ year customer, I do have some mad love for the company). I am, however, going to fill your news stream with current ways to utilize technology to reach your goals! I might share ways to track calories, record workouts, find new tunes, or update social media with your latest workout. No matter what the content, I can assure you that I will be sharing motivation (and hopefully reaching some goals along the way).
To kick this off, I want to share a couple of my broad health and fitness goals. I will update you on how I’m going about fulfilling these goals over the next 6 months.
1. Get back into running. SERIOUSLY. It’s about time for this. Running used to be my favorite solution for a myriad of things. Rough day? Run. Need to clear my head? Run. Need to blow off steam? Run. Need to take a break from school? Yeahhh, that’s where I fell off the wagon. And, friends, it’s time for me to hop back on.
Last weekend, I ran my first 10k (loved it) and it totally reignited my passion to pound the pavement. I did not train (ah, I know – fast track to injuryville) but I managed to push myself to run 9 minutes miles.
With mother nature providing spring teasers, I have no more excuses. Let’s do this. How exactly will I use technology to reach this goal? Well, that is what we’ll discuss over the coming months!
2. Start tracking my food again. This is a short-term goal to help me get a better handle on my macros. In January, I adopted an animal-product free diet. However, over the course of a few months I realized that I jumped in way too quickly without really doing my homework. While I know how to easily prep vegetarian meals – it has been a bit more difficult to do the same completely free of animal products. I used to rely pretty heavily on eggs and cottage cheese for quick on-the-go protein and to achieve the fullness factor. When I cut them out abruptly, I felt it.
I know that plant-based is the best for way for me, but I also realize that I need to ease into it rather than going full speed ahead. Sometimes small steps make for greater (and more long-term) results. So I want to start tracking my foods to really figure out how I can continue tweaking my diet to feel my personal best.
3. Start taking fitness classes again. As my time is much more limited these days, I have been having trouble making it to fitness classes. However, I miss hot yoga, boot camp, Zumba, and spinning oh-so-much. So another goal is start taking more classes as my schedule permits.
So, what devices will I use to help me reach these goals?
The Verizon Droid Razr HD.
Initial thoughts? Love the big screen and the super clear picture! However, after turning this bad boy on I thought “oh wow, there is going be a learning curve as I have been using an iPhone for nearly 3 years.”
And the fitbit one.
Initial thoughts? Love, love, love. I have actually been thinking of purchasing this for quite some time – so I cannot wait to use it and share my thoughts.
I am truly looking forward to sharing my experiences these two devices over the coming months. And in addition, I’m excited to find new ways to utilize technology to help me reach some of my current goals!
What are some ways you use technology to reach your goals?
Disclosure: I have partnered up with Verizon for their Health and Fitness Voices program. I have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product and how it helps me reach my goals.