Senin, 06 Mei 2013

A Gadget for the Competitive Soul


Note: my giveaway for the 26.2 jacket from Albion Fit is open until Friday, May 10th! Click here to enter!


I am a competitive person. Always have been, (probably) always will be. It runs in my family.

As you might imagine, our family game nights are quite a riot. They start out fun and light-hearted and usually end with someone stomping away. The person who walks away? Someone whose name is similar to schmom (but for the sake of privacy, I’m not naming names). Yes, we have issues—we are well aware. 

When it comes to fitness, my competitiveness comes out full-force. Only this time it’s not in a knock-down-drag-out way (I reserve that for game nights)—rather, it’s in a create a fun competition to stay accountable way.

If you have ever participated in a race (5k, 10k, any distance) then you are well aware of the race mentality. Sure, it's about competition—but it is also about a collective goal that everyone is striving for. The energy in a race is like nothing I have ever experienced and it is certainly addictive. It is emotional contagion at its finest (at least for me).

Back to to the topic of competition. I do have a point here after all.

One thing I have learned from my propensity for competitiveness is that I can boost my motivation by competing against myself. Self-competition, if you will. I can definitely find motivation when competing against others—but I also find value in creating my own personal bests.

This is why the fitbit one is perfect for me.

The little gadget tracks my steps walked, stairs climbed, sleep and calories burned. It even tracks my sleep (when I remember to put it on before bed – which I’ll admit is a rare occurrence). Further, a virtual flower grows as my activity increases throughout the day.

Hello, instant motivation.

My inner monologue goes a little something like this:

Oh, I have only climbed 2 flights of stairs today? Better get in a few more.

Parking spot 3 feet from the door? Nope, get those daily steps in.

My virtual flower only has one set of leaves? Better get moving so it can grow, baby, grow.

It is amazing that such a simple gadget can have such powerful effects on my day.

If you need even more reason to compete with yourself—the gadget syncs up with the fitbit app on your phone. I have the app downloaded on my Droid Razr and it’s fantastic! You can even receive rewards/badges for reaching new goals or beating old records.


This is truly a gadget for the competitive soul.

Are you a competitive person?

How do you keep yourself motivated and accountable?


Disclosure: I received a wireless device and six months of service as a part of the Verizon Health and Fitness Voices program. All of today’s thoughts and opinions are my own.

