Selasa, 05 November 2013

Wednesday’s Have You Heard


Last chance for booth hopping: The Public Health Expo closes its doors Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., so don’t miss out on hundreds of exhibitors before they pack up and head home. Among this year’s Expo highlights, the APHA Public Health Policy Center booth, #1283, is hosting an official Affordable Care Act navigator, who can help you shop the new Health Insurance Marketplace to find a plan that’s right for you.

Peace and good health: Sometimes the world can be a scary place. And for those people in the middle of it, public health can make a difference. Learn what you can do at session 5035, “Public Health Impacts of Migration, Civil Unrest and War,” from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in room 260 of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. During the session, you’ll hear from presenters on improving health among veterans, immigrants and refugees.

What a waste: With all the money Americans spend on health care, you’d think we’d be the healthiest nation on the planet. But we’re not — far from it. Join your fellow public healthers to explore how we can be smarter in how we spend our billions of health care dollars at session 5092, “The Waste in Healthcare: Spending $750 Billion More Wisely,” from 10:30 a.m. to noon in Grand Ballroom A of the Westin Waterfront.

Act local: Take some tips from Massachusetts and learn how your state or local public health association can help implement health reform during session 5145, “The MA Model and the Role of Local Public Health Associations in the Affordable Care Act," from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Westin Waterfront, Webster.

A session to send you off: Don’t miss today’s Closing Session from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in Grand Ballroom West of the convention center. The session will focus on “Improving the Health of Native People: A Public Health Approach” and feature keynote speaker Evan Adams, who served as British Columbia’s first Aboriginal health physician advisor and in 2012 was appointed deputy provincial health officer for Aboriginal health.

