Rabu, 08 September 2010

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...


Happy Hump Day! Can you believe it's already *almost* Thursday!? I love short weeks!

Sorry for the absence today! I have class all day on Mondays and Wednesdays. So unless pigs fly and all classes are cancelled—count on only hearing from me in the evening. With that said, let’s get to the good stuff!

My early morning started with—you guessed it—Starbucks Natural Vanilla Infusion ala’ the Keurig. Man, that thing is handy. I don’t know what I’d do without it. I’d have to revert back to the olden days and actually go through the trouble of brewing a pot of coffee. ;)

Breakfast looked like this:

In the bowl:
1 oz. Chia Seeds soaked overnight in unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze
Stevia to taste
Voskos Blueberry Yogurt
Fresh Blueberries

Easy peasy. This kept me full for SO LONG. When lunch time rolled around I wasn’t even hungry. Yet, I still delved into my handy dandy lunchbox:

Yes, I lug this thing around campus. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Not to be confused with: if you gotta go, you gotta go. haha--But really, these are words to live by folks. At least for days like these!

Back to the lunch box:

La Tortilla Factory Ivory Teff Wrap filled with original hummus and as much spinach as I could possibly stuff in there! (I usually add roasted chickpeas or carrots for some crunch, but I was running late this morning.) This was eaten the classy way--out of my trunk. I have back-to-back classes and I had to go back to my car to get my painting supplies. So with only 15 minutes to spare, lunch out of my trunk sounded like a good idea. Apparently, “a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” should be my mantra for today’s festivities. A juicy orange also made an appearance. As did an apple that seems to have been a little camera shy.

Midway through my 3 hour painting class, I scarfed this down:

I have to say that this is not my favorite of the new Larabars. It’s actually a little too sweet for my liking. I prefer my sweets to be more along the lines of an actual dessert, rather than a snack. Unless, I had a savory snack first—then a dessert-like snack would have been great! I’ve always been a “savory-first, sweet-second” kind of girl.

All this food talk has definitely been a nice prelude to dinner. My stomach is a rumblin’!

I’m off to:

Turbofire it up!

• Make some dinner. (I’m thinking something with black beans!)

• Help my son prepare his Student Council Speech (he’s running for election!)

• Research for Social Psych Lab


Sticking to the theme of the day: Does anyone have any "a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do" moments to share?

