I have Mexico Fever, can you tell?
I’m dropping in for a little afternoon post! This may or may not be fueled by a few diet coke and rums I had by the pool! ;) Anyway, I am having great time in Cabo San Lucas. And I have even stuck with my healthy eating (a few splurges obviously) and also worked out!
Today I partook in a little of this:
So fun and such a rush! I am sooo scared of heights, so rappelling was a personal success. The instructor told me to lean back, and I said “No, I can’t I will fall!!” Needless to say, I leaned back—I did not fall, and I had an AMAZING time! I would highly recommend this excursion to anyone visiting Cabo!
My eats have looked like this:
Guacamole, salad, chips, salsa…
Last night we went to a nice Italian restaurant in downtown Cabo and had a yummy pizza. We explored the downtown, which is like a ghost town during the month of September! Positive or negative, I can’t decide!
Anyway, I just got back from the pool (SPF, baby!) and we are about to shower and head back into town! Tomorrow is our last day, so we will be making the most of it!
Hasta la vista babes,