Hope everyone is having an amazing Labor Day so far!
I can’t say I’ve done anything interesting today, but a relaxing day is always a good thing. Not to mention that I would usually be in class all day, so I can’t complain!
I ended up doing Turbo 55 EZ last night about 9:00 PM. This led to a late night since I was pumped up on Endorphins! I ended up watching the rest of Unnatural History on Cartoon Network, so I can be caught up with my son! We watch this show together and I got behind when he watched a few episodes without me! It’s a pretty good show if I do say so myself.
I refueled (last night) with a big salad made with celery, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peas, and a cut up Morningstar farms spicy black bean burger. I stirred it all up with some hummus and Whole Foods black bean n’ corn salsa. I topped it off with a generous serving of Sriracha, mmm spicy! (Confession: I just had to google Sriracha to remember how to spell it! Haha) For some carbage, I had Garden of Eatin’ Multigrain tortilla chips in Everything flavor.
This morning, I woke up to a delicious cup of Starbucks Vanilla Infusion. This will be an everyday thing until this bag is gone!
Breakfast was simple: I warmed up the rest of my frittata, and put it between a toasted English muffin again! Only this time I used Laughing Cow light bleu cheese on one half, and sugar-free strawberry preserves on the other. I had the rest of cantaloupe (goodbye, perfect cantaloupe!) on the side + an iced coffee with So Delicious Coconut creamer.
The day looks a little like this:
• Lunch
• Magic Show (that my son is putting on for the family)
• Take Bahla (my dachshund) for a walk
• Run (I live exactly 1 mile from my parents, so I run there, take my pup for a walk on a 1 mile loop and then run back.)
• Library to get work done for the week!
For any other Turbofire lovers, what is your favorite DVD in the collection? I would have to say my favorite is Turbo 30, but I have liked every one! It’s nice to have options! Also, has anyone tried the actual Turbofire program? So far I have just been alternating the DVD’s with running and other workouts so I haven’t done it yet.