Good Morning! Hope everyone’s Saturday is getting off to a smooth start!
As we speak (read?), I am fueling up with this:
1 Egg + 1 Egg White Sandwich with laughing cow and strawberry preserves
On an Arnold's Whole Wheat sandwich thin
1 HUGE sliced nectarine
And you knew this was coming, I am caffeinating up with this:
Butter Toffee coffee a’ la the Keurig with a little Sugar Free French Vanilla Creamer (yes, totally chemical, but I’m kind of addicted. Oh who am I kidding? I’m completely addicted!)
Last night I ended up doing Turbo HIIT 25. For some reason, my legs felt like lead throughout the work out. They’ve honestly never felt like that during a Turbofire workout! I’m thinking it may be due to the late time (about 10:00 PM). But also, I’ve been feeling just generally weaker lately--so I think I need to incorporate more running back into my routine. That makes my legs feel nice and strong. I also noticed a pronounced difference in how my core felt during burpees. So in addition to running, I need to welcome planks back into my life! I am launching mission planks and running STAT!
Today’s Agenda:
My son’s soccer game!
Work out (Mission planks and running ;))
HOMEWORK + House cleaning
Movie & Dinner tonight (if everything is done!)
And I’m off!
<3 Stefanie
Question: Have you ever noticed a pronounced difference in your strength while doing a workout that was not new to you?