Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Revealing your inner beast...

Hey dolls! I hope you all are having a nice Saturday. I can’t believe it’s almost over! It went by so quickly! Maybe that's because I spent 4 consecutive hours at two separate YMCA’s? Yup, more on that shortly.
My Saturday started out as they always do in September: my son’s soccer game! Did they win, you ask? No, it was tied 1-to-1. Who scored our one goal? MY BABY! You see, previously he has been a bit timid on the soccer field (and basketball court, alike)—but after a game or two he gets warmed up and his inner beast shows!

Do you think the reveal of the inner beast is due to all the yelling on the sidelines? Alot of which, I'm not ashamed to say, comes from me! Not necessarily a mean yelling, but things like: “Go after the ball! Don’t be afraid to kick it hard! That’s what the shin guards are for!”  Yes, I’m that Mom. But hey, my Mom was that Mom when I was growing up—and it certainly didn't do me any harm. ;)

These pictures were actually from last year—because being the responsible blogger that I am, I forgot my camera! He is much taller now AND has his adult teeth in the front. Bittersweet.

After his game we went to the new and shiny YMCA that is 20 minutes away. Supposedly, it is one of the top YMCA’s in the country—and I wouldn’t argue with that! My son and his cousin had fun playing in the Wii room, while my brother, Dad, and I worked our bootays off.

·         2 games of CARROT (Sadly, I won neither!)
·         2 games of 2-on-1 (my brother against my Dad and I)
·         Jogged 2 miles on the track
·         10 minutes of intervals on the stairstepper
·         Hodgepodge of strength exercises (bootay, arms, absicles, core)

Mission running and planks day 1: SUCCESS.

Can you say SCHWEATY? (Note to self: do not search for "sweaty girl work out" when looking for a picture suitable for the blog. Nope, never again.)

You can imagine we were starving after this! So we went to Qdoba Mexican Grill (the workers might have been thinking the same thing as that puppy). It’s basically like a Chipotle and it is pretty foodgasmic. Boy, have I been eating out too much lately! It throws me off my healthy eating game!  

I had the craft 2: salad (black beans, tomato salsa, corn salsa, and guacamole) and 2 hard shell tacos (black beans, tomato salsa, corn salsa). Whoa, black bean overload. I realized this and left some on my plate. That wouldn’t be good for my digestive system, if ya know what I mean. ;)

Clearly, this is not my picture, but I didn’t want to bore you with ALL words! That taco salad looks pretty good, no?

When I finally got home, I took a nap! And it was glorious! I was worn out from the week. And now I’m feeling refreshed and ready to tackle my research articles! I am seriously considering a pumpkin spice latte, but iced this time!

<3 Stefanie

If you are a parent, what type of Mother are you on the sidelines? Loud, reserved, in between? Now you know my dirty little secret: I’m loud!

