Minggu, 05 September 2010

Sleeping in is a little slice of heaven...

Sleeping in felt AH-mazing this morning! I woke up early thinking that I had something to do, then I realized that it was Sunday and cuddled back up to sleep for another two hours!

When I finally did roll out of bed, I decided it was a Frittata kind of morning. BUT first, COFFEE. Does anyone else need coffee to wake up your brain? Shamefully, I do. I don't see myself ever giving up my daily cup (or 3) of joe. Oh well. Anyway, I went with a super simple recipe (i.e., I’m low on veggies and just worked with what I had!)—it contained chopped red pepper and spinach, 2 eggs + 1 egg white, and feta cheese. Mistoed (new word?) a pan and baked it at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Crack, err, coffee with coconut milk.

The ingredients.

All chopped up.

The Seasonings. No salt for moi.

Put it together now.
Don't forgot to Misto the pan!

And (drumroll please...haha) the finished product.

I chose to serve it on top of a toasted English muffin—one half with Whole Foods veggie hummus, the other half with sugar free strawberry preserves.

After taking pictures, I smushed (for lack of a better word) the two halves into a sammie. You may be thinking eggs, jelly, and hummus? Yuck. But the combo of sweet plus savory is TO DIE. Try it, you won’t be disappointed! I had a side of organic raspberries and perfect cantaloupe. Balanced breakfast. I also had the necessary coffee to get me going before, during, and after brunch! I may be on a slight caffeine high, but hey I have a lot to do today! ;)

I'm currently listening to Magic (feat. Rivers Cuomo) by B.o.B. and making a to do list. I'm a list girl, so expect a lot of lists here. Organized or OCD? You decide. haha 

My plans for the day include:

• Laundryyyy (1 load down, 2 to go)

• Put away all my new clothes + make room by getting rid of a few old ones (I find this is a good way to keep my closet in check. If I bring something new in, I try to get rid of something old. Either by handing it down to a family member, goodwill, or selling it on eBay.)

• Clean the house (floors, bathrooms)

• Run and/or Turbo Fire

• Walk the pup

• Get started on some homework for the week!

• Put together a fashion post with some of my finds.

And with that listed out, it looks like I better get a move on!

Have a fabulous Sunday!


